Saturday, March 29, 2008

Hillary "John Rambo" Clinton

This one was sent to me by Stootz Gottlieb. Enjoy:


Lang said...

You've got to learn how to post links...

There's a button that looks like a chain, above the text field, so that you can post a link and have it look like normal text, not just copy/pasting the address in the body of your post

Lang said...


ebl2009 said...

dammit I do know how to post links, I was just in a rush!

Garbo said...

It's an extra step that takes all of 4 seconds...

ebl2009 said...

I actually don't feel that badly about posting the link itself, especially vis a vis Lang's postings, which are text-behemoths. I'll make a deal Lang, cut down the size of your posts (LIKE MAYBE JUST LINK US TO THE ARTICLE INSTEAD OF POSTING THE ENTIRE DAMN THING) and then I'll 'learn how to post links'.